Mindset Coaching & Energy Healing
Mon, Oct 24
Release & Recalibrate - this private safe space is for energetic healing and getting back into alignment with your soul

Time & Location
Oct 24, 2022, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EDT
About the event
During this private group session, everyone will have the opportunity to receive mindset & energy coaching and to receive energy healing. Being present in this group event will immediately connect you with an expansive, healing energy that you can tap in to for yourself.
We may start with introductions but will keep that brief in order to maximize our time together.
In a group session, everyone always benefits. Seeing someone else receive coaching or healing is equally beneficial to everyone who is present to witness.
We will start the coaching by asking if there is anyone who feels stuck on a particular issue, or if anyone present would like some assistance in moving forward to that next level.
If additional people wish to receive coaching and time permits, we will do "hot seat" and coach multiple people during the course of the call.
After we conclude the coaching portion, we will start with the energy healing portion of the session. Again we will ask if anyone participating would like to receive physical healing during the call as a demonstration. The intention behind this is to show everyone on the call how to perform energy healing for themselves and others, and to be able to combine our energy for this purpose.
During the energy healing portion of the session, you can write in the chat what you would like us to focus our healing energy on: could be an area you are experiencing pain, someone you know, your cat, the world, whatever you like. We will spend some time intentionally focusing our healing energy on each person's request.
Energy Exchange
You get what you give :) Please consider a donation to keep events like this running
Pay what you want+Service feeSale ended