Small Business Development & Marketing
Get feedback on your marketing, brainstorm, gain next steps & tools
Service Description
This session is meant for the development of your soul aligned business. We will dive deep into your gifts, strengths, passions, and life experiences to paint a picture of what your life mission could be and what your dream reality looks like. We work from there to align your energy with the energy of your ideal reality and to take aligned actions that will bring you closer to your goals. We will create plans and strategies together, get you past any road blocks, and provide you with all sorts of tips and tools to make your business easier for you to run. This may involve creating long term marketing plans, learning to track and evaluate metrics, creating recurring and passive income, etc. We also will be fine-tuning your money mindset and your energetic alignment as we go, so you will be experiencing shifts in all areas of your life while going through these sessions.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please allow at least 24 hours for me to adjust. Please understand that repeated cancellation and rescheduling may result in the discontinuation of a one-on-one coaching relationship. BUT - I am human and do understand that life happens. :) Just be courteous!
Contact Details
Address to be given to members Delaware Trails, Indianapolis, IN, USA